2024 LID Meeting

July 27, 2024 9:00 AM
Scandia Valley Township

Aquatic Invasive Species Update: The CLID Board of Directors has contracted to survey the lake during 2023 for aquatic invasive species. The spring survey usually occurs within a month of ice-out and targets Curly-leaf Pondweed (CLP) which has an active growth cycle during the winter months and a secondary growth cycle late-summer. Treatment for CLP is limited to springtime and is dependent on water temperature. The summer survey focuses on Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) which can be treated during the summer and fall. During the 2021 late-summer survey, watermilfoil with hybrid characteristics was identified. Genetic samples of similar plants tested during 2022 proved to be negative for hybrid watermilfoil. During 2023, plants with similar characteristics will be sampled and genetically tested. Both EWM and the hybrid watermilfoil can be treated with our DNR permit. In order to treat within 150 feet of your shoreline, the DNR requires notice be given to property owners and they be afforded the opportunity to opt out. As such, the following notice is provided:

Crookneck Lake Improvement District
ATTN: Dan Seanger
2009 Birchcrest Drive
Motley, MN 56466

The Crookneck Lake Improvement District has contracted to treat Curly-leaf Pondweed and Eurasian Watermilfoil (to include hybrid watermilfoil) Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) in Crookneck Lake during 2023. In addition, it is our intent to potentially treat any new AIS for which we are able to attain a DNR permit to treat.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has granted to the Crookneck Lake Improvement District (CLID) a waiver of the requirement that the CLID obtain the signatures of approval of owners of lakeshore property to treat within 150 feet of their shoreline. Instead, the CLID will notify property owners of the treatment through alternate forms. This notice is one form that the CLID is using to notify property owners. Other forms may include but are not limited to notification through the Crookneck Lake Association website (crooknecklake.com), a newsletter and or a meeting.

With regard to the treatment for this year, 2023:

  1. The proposed date for treatment: April 15, 2023 through October 31, 2023
  2. The target species for the treatment: Curly-leaf Pondweed and Eurasian Watermilfoil (to include hybrid watermilfoil)
  3. The method of control or product being used: EPA and MDA registered aquatic herbicides, such as but not limited to: Endothall (Aquathol K), Diquat dibromide (Tribune), Triclopyr Granular (Renovate OTF), Florprauxifen-Benzyl (ProcellaCor).
  4. How landowners may request that control not occur adjacent to the landowner's property: If you desire that the treatment of Curly-leaf Pondweed or Eurasian Watermilfoil not occur adjacent to your property, please notify the Crookneck Lake Improvement District no later than April 14, 2023 at the following address or email address below. Please provide a brief description of your property enabling the treatment applicators a means to locate and identify your property.

Crookneck Lake Improvement District ATTN: Dan Seanger
2009 Birchcrest Dr.
Motley, MN 56466 dseanger@gmail.com

Staying current: Crookneck Lake Improvement District (CLID) updates and information is posted on the CrookneckLake.com website located under “CLID” on the tool bar.

Address updates: The annual tax roll certification address database, provided to the CLID each October by Morrison County, is used to prepare mailing labels. The database is an annual snapshot and may not reflect a current mailing address. I’d greatly appreciate a quick email or letter with address updates. If you have a new neighbor, please pass along their address also.

Call for Officers: The CLID Board of Directors is comprised of resident (homestead) and non-resident (non-homestead) Crookneck Lake property riparian owners with the majority being resident by statute. This year we have two Resident and one Non-Resident openings on the board. If you are interested in being on this year’s ballot or have any questions about time commitments or responsibilities, please contact a board member (Don Johnson, John Monahan, JJ Parker, April Powell, or Dan Seanger).

Meeting Dates:
Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.: The Lake Crookneck Improvement Association (LCIA) Annual

Business Meeting will be held at the Scandia Valley Township Hall. Coffee and donut social at 8:30 a.m.

Saturday, July 29, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.: The Crookneck Lake Improvement District (CLID) Annual Meeting will be held at the Scandia Valley Township Hall. In addition, the CLID meeting info will be posted as an official “public notice” in the Morrison County Record and mailed to all riparian owners. Coffee and donut social at 8:30 a.m.

What The LCIA and CLID Board’s Hear from Your Neighbors or put another way “What Your Neighbors Would Like to Tell You”!

  1. Jet skis operate to close to our docks and boats.
  2. Weed disposal...if you clear weeds from your beach area don’t let them float around or put them in
  3. the lake...your neighbors don’t like them floating up on their shoreline or floating around the
  4. lake...just put them on your own shore and dispose of them once they dry out.
  5. Boggs should be returned to the area they came from not pushed out into the lake.
  6. It’s good for the fishery if you harvest the midsized fish and return the large sized fish for another
  7. day of fun fishing.
  8. Enjoy the baby loons from a distance...yes, it is a crime to harass them.
  9. Wake management and awareness of the wakes you produce...one would have expected the number
  10. of complaints to go down as the lake levels have receded from record levels, but this has not been the case. Waves are detrimental to shorelines and a safety concern for our non-motorized and slower watercraft, i.e., canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, kids on rafts, and pontoons.
  11. And finally, my favorite over the last two years. Is the use of swimsuits optional on Crookneck Lake...the subject does not fall within the charters of the CLID or LCIA, but the Board’s will study this further. Each of the boards has elections this year so perhaps you would like to participate in this unique review.

Still about 20 inches of snow on the lake but the sun is warm!

~ Dan Seanger and the CLID Board